Monday, September 14, 2009

Feed others with your brain

This is a site that is so geared to kids that like to challenge themselves and help out at the same time.  My friend send me an email with a link, so I thought I would pass it on:

I just came across this cool site today. Many of you may have already
seen this, but I thought it was pretty neat. Basically you go to and you can take a number of quizzes (spelling, math,
etc) and for every answer you get right, they donate rice to those in
need (they are partnered with the World Food Programme)....the more you
know, the more they FEED.

I can see this being a great way to 'do good' and have fun with your
kids....and educate them about the world around them too!!!
Sounds like a cool project and a great way to get kids excited about using their brains for good. I love that idea: use your brain to help others.  What a great idea!

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