I was out of town last week when the faeries came to spread their goodness in the school.
Parents told me that children were running from paper to paper, calling out to each other what they said. "I found one! It says 'My laughter is eff, eff, effervescent!'" "This one says, 'My mom thinks I am great. (She's right)'...awwww!". It was a flurry of delighted children discovering pieces of love and appreciation scattered throughout the school.
On Monday, I walked around and read them all with just the slightest lump in my throat. So thoughtful, those faeries, to realize that sometimes kids (and adults) need to be surprised by how much they are loved and how they walk in the world.
It was affirming and warming and kindling enough in my heart that I want to read them every day.
There were little things we hope people know about us, and the delightful way it feels when someone acknowledges it to be true.
There were messages that told us that we didn't need to waste a minute to make a difference in the world.
...that others see in us even more than we ourselves know.
Faeries know that the arms of our community open wide, even to embrace "family" who don't spend our days and nights together under one roof...
and that we are all important here.
In my family and friendship circles, we have a practice where we all go around the table at Thanksgiving and say something that we were grateful for. It is amazing to listen to the things that flow from people's hearts that provide a lens into things that they held dear during the year, things they didn't take the opportunity to say on a daily basis. Sometimes things like Thanksgiving or a faerie invasion free those things up for us.
So let me say it now: I am thankful for you, the Summers-Knoll community, for the love you give my children, the learning that goes on here that challenges the mind and cultivates the spirit, the caring that parents show to children who are not their own. I am thankful for what I learn from each of your children every time I step foot into the building. I am thankful for what I learn from the teachers and staff who I turn to for support and guidance on this rocky path of parenthood. I am thankful for joy and for things that are precious to me and for the gift of time. I am thankful for people who put their hands to the work to make this school shine and for others whose support comes from building relationships, making financial contributions and sharing with others their belief in what we can accomplish.
And finally, I am grateful for Joanna, Kim, Shan, Karen, Anita, Elaine, Susan, Renata, Jan, Jesse, Ruth and Imogen. I can't begin to extol your talents and virtues. I don't say it enough, friends, but you are loved and treasured. Thank you.